• Villa Pastora
  • Villa Pastora

Villa Pastora

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Villa Pastora farm, nestled in Palestina, Huila, was purchased by Mrs. Pastora Anacona in the 1980s, marking the start of the Mora family’s coffee legacy. The tradition of coffee growing has now been passed down to the third generation of the Mora Ortega family.

Beyond production, Villa Pastora plays a key role in supporting the local community, employing around eight people and offering fermentation and drying services to nearby farmers. Álvaro Mora has also expanded the farm’s impact through partnerships like the Delagua project, helping share their coffee and boost the local economy.

The coffee undergoes a 48-hour cherry oxidation, followed by 48 hours of fermentation in submerged tanks. It is then dried mechanically for 48 hours and finished drying on beds in the shed for 14 days.